An Overview of the Contents of the First and Second Editions of the Lectionary for Mass
Synoptic Comparison Charts of Lectionary Numbers and Section Titles
The second edition of the Lectionary for Mass (Latin 1981, USA 1998-2002) is substantially the same but also larger than the first edition (Latin 1969, USA 1970). The sections containing the readings for Sunday Masses and Weekday Masses during the liturgical seasons are nearly identical in both editions, except for the addition of some optional readings and the relocation of the Chrism Mass (from #39 to #260, as explained below).
The other sections of the Lectionary, however, are significantly longer in the second edition, with many new reading options added for certain Masses already found in the first edition, and new Masses added to several sections. The Propers of the Saints now recommend specific readings for almost all saints, rather than simply cross-referencing to the Commons. Many additions and some rearrangements have also been made in the sections containing Ritual Masses, Masses for Various Needs and Occasions, and Votive Masses. Finally, the readings proposed for the Masses for the Dead have been placed in a separate section at the end of the revised Lectionary.
As a result of all these shifts and additions, the numbers assigned to each set of readings are frequently different in the revised Lectionary than in the first edition. However, the numbers in the USA editions are always identical to those of the corresponding Latin edition. The following pages provide detailed overviews of the changes in each section of the Lectionary. For an explanation of the abbreviations used here, see the page summarizing the Various Editions of the Lectionary for Mass.
SECTION TITLES in OLM69 & Translation in USL70 |
OLM69 =USL70 |
OLM81 =USL98‑02 |
SECTION TITLES in OLM81 & Translation in USL98‑02 |
PROPRIUM DE TEMPORE Proper of Seasons |
1-509 | 1-509 | PROPRIUM DE TEMPORE Proper of Seasons (Chrism Mass shifted) |
PROPRIUM DE SANCTIS Proper of the Saints |
510-700 | 510-700 | PROPRIUM DE SANCTIS (many new readings; several new saints) Proper of Saints |
COMMUNIA Commons |
701-742 | 701-742 | COMMUNIA Commons |
743-799 | 743-826 | MISSAE RITUALES (several new Masses) Ritual Masses |
MISSAE AD DIVERSA Masses for Various Occasions |
800-895 | 827-967 | MISSAE PRO VARIIS NECESSITATIBUS (several added) Masses for Various Needs and Occasions |
MISSAE VOTIVAE Votive Masses |
896-929 | 968-1010 | MISSAE VOTIVAE (several new Masses, many readings added) Votive Masses |
[included within the section of Ritual Masses in OLM69 & USL70] |
x | 1011-1026 | MISSAE DEFUNCTORUM (now a separate section at the end) Masses for the Dead |
PROPRIUM DE TEMPORE / Proper of Seasons (##1-509 in both OLM69 & OLM81)
The structure of the first part of the Lectionary for Mass is substantially unchanged in the revised edition, with one major exception: the Chrism Mass (traditionally held on the morning of Holy Thursday, but liturgically no longer considered part of the Easter Triduum) was moved from #39 in OLM69 (the beginning of the subsection for the Easter Triduum) to #260 in OLM81 (the end of the subsection for the Weekdays of Lent).
This change caused a shift in the Lectionary numbers for all the other readings in between; that is, the numbers for all the readings between #40 and #260 in OLM69 are one less in OLM81.
The Latin names of the liturgical seasons are identical in OLM69 and OLM81, but the English equivalents were changed in some cases, with slightly longer and more literal translations in USL98-02 than in USL70.
SECTION & SUBSECTION TITLES in OLM69 & Translations in USL70 |
OLM69 =USL70 |
OLM81 =USL98‑02 |
SECTION & SUBSECTION TITLES in OLM81 & Translations in USL98‑02 |
1-175 | 1-174 | I. LECTIONES PRO DOMINICIS I. Sunday Readings |
1-12 | 1-12 | TEMPUS ADVENTUS Season of Advent |
13-21 | 13-21 | TEMPUS NATIVITATIS Season of Christmas |
22-38 | 22-38 | TEMPUS QUADRAGESIMAE Season of Lent |
TRIDUUM PASCHALE et TEMPUS PASCHALE Easter Triduum and Easter Season [starts with the Chrism Mass, #39] |
39-64 | 39-63 | TRIDUUM PASCHALE et TEMPUS PASCHALE Easter Triduum and Season of Easter |
TEMPUS «PER ANNUM» Season of the Year |
65-164 | 64-163 | TEMPUS «PER ANNUM» Ordinary Time |
SOLLEMNITATES DOMINI TEMPORE «PER ANNUM» OCCURRENTES Solemnities of the Lord during the Season of the Year |
165-173 | 164-172 | SOLLEMNITATES DOMINI TEMPORE «PER ANNUM» OCCURRENTES Solemnities of the Lord during Ordinary Time |
TEXTUS COMMUNES pro cantu psalmi responsorii Common Texts for Sung Responsorial Psalms |
174-175 | 173-174 | TEXTUS COMMUNES pro cantu psalmi responsorii Common Texts for Sung Responsorial Psalms |
176-509 | 175-509 | II. LECTIONES PRO FERIIS II. Weekday Readings |
176-202 | 175-201 | TEMPUS ADVENTUS Season of Advent |
203-219 | 202-218 | TEMPUS NATIVITATIS Season of Christmas |
220-260 | 219-260 | TEMPUS QUADRAGESIMAE Season of Lent [ends with the Chrism Mass, #260]* |
261-304 | 261-304 | TEMPUS PASCHALE Season of Easter |
TEMPUS «PER ANNUM» Season of the Year |
305-509 | 305-509 | TEMPUS «PER ANNUM» Ordinary Time |
PROPRIUM DE SANCTIS / Proper of Saints (##510-700 in both OLM69 & OLM81)
In all editions of the Lectionary, this section is subdivided according to the twelve months of the calendar year.
For most saints already on the liturgical calendar before 1969, the old Lectionary simply gave cross-references to the appropriate sections of the "Commons"; very few saints had their own "Proper" readings.
The revised Lectionary, however, proposes specific readings for most saints, in addition to providing cross-references to the Commons. For saints added to the liturgical calendar since 1969, the readings for their celebrations have a letter added to the number in appropriate chronological order, so that the numbering of the rest of the Lectionary remains unchanged.
For example, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton (Jan. 4), St. John Neumann (Jan. 5), and Bl. André Bessette (Jan. 6) are assigned ##510A, 510B, and 510C, respectively, so that St. Raymond of Peñafort (Jan. 7) remains #511. Similarly, St. Maximilian Mary Kolbe (August 14) was added as #620A, between the saints of August 13 (#620) and August 15 (#621).
COMMUNIA / Commons (##701-742 in both OLM69 & OLM81)
OLM81 retains the same categories for the Commons as in OLM69, although in many cases more choices have been added to the reading selections proposed for the various Masses.
SECTION TITLES in OLM69 & Translation in USL70 |
OLM69 =USL70 |
OLM81 =USL02 |
SECTION TITLES in OLM81 & Translation in USL02 |
IN DEDICATIONE ECCLESIAE Dedication of a Church |
701-706 | 701-706 | IN ANNIVERSARIO DEDICATIONIS ECCLESIAE The Common of the Anniversary of the Dedication of a Church |
COMMUNE BEATAE MARIAE VIRGINIS Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
707-712 | 707-712 | COMMUNE BEATAE MARIAE VIRGINIS The Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary |
COMMUNE MARTYRIUM Common of Martyrs |
713-718 | 713-718 | COMMUNE MARTYRIUM The Common of Martyrs |
COMMUNE PASTORUM Common of Pastors |
719-724 | 719-724 | COMMUNE PASTORUM The Common of Pastors |
COMMUNE DOCTORUM ECCLESIAE Common of Doctors of the Church |
725-730 | 725-730 | COMMUNE DOCTORUM ECCLESIAE The Common of Doctors of the Church |
COMMUNE VIRGINUM Common of Virgins |
731-736 | 731-736 | COMMUNE VIRGINUM The Common of Virgins |
737-742 | 737-742 | COMMUNE SANCTORUM ET SANCTARUM The Common of Holy Men and Women |
MISSAE RITUALES / Ritual Masses (##743-799 in OLM69, and ##743-826 in OLM81)
OLM81 adds readings for several more Ritual Masses, slightly changes the names of a few others, and newly subdivides this part of the Lectionary into nine sections, several of which now also have numbered subsections.
Only the English translations of the names and titles are included in the table here, to provide a better overview of the new subsections.
Section and Subsection Titles in USL70 | OLM69 =USL70 |
OLM81 =USL02 |
Section and Subsection Titles in USL02 |
. The Preparation and Baptism of Adults 743: Beginning of the Catechumenate 744: Election 745: First Scrutiny 746: Second Scrutiny 747: Third Scrutiny 748: Presentation of the Creed 749: Presentation of the Lord’s Prayer 750: Rites of Immediate Preparation [OLM81 drops] 751: Baptism during the Easter Vigil 752-756: Christian Initiation apart from the Easter Vigil |
743-756 |
743-755 |
I. For the Conferral of Christian Initiation 1. Catechumenate and Christian Initiation of Adults 743: Entrance into the Order of Catechumens 744: Election or Enrollment of Names 745: First Scrutiny 746: Second Scrutiny 747: Third Scrutiny 748: Presentation of the Creed 749: Presentation of the Lord’s Prayer X 750: Baptism during the Easter Vigil 751-755: Christian Initiation Apart from the Easter Vigil |
Baptism of Children | 757-761 | 756-760 | 2. Conferral of Infant Baptism |
Reception of the Baptized into the Full Communion of the Church |
762 | 761-763 | 3. Reception of Baptized Christians into the Full Communion of the Catholic Church [new texts, not just cross-references] |
Confirmation | 763-767 | 764-767 | 4. Confirmation |
First Communion of Children | 768 | 769 | 5. First Communion for Children |
Holy Orders | 769-773 | 770-774 | II. For the Conferral of Holy Orders |
x | . | 775-779 | III. For Admission to Candidacy for the Diaconate and the Priesthood |
x | . | 780-784 |
IV. For the Conferral of Ministries 1. Institution of Readers |
x | . | 785-789 | 2. Institution of Acolytes |
x | . | 790-795 |
V. For the Pastoral Care of the Sick and Dying 1. Anointing of the Sick |
x | . | 796-800 | 2. Viaticum |
Marriage (pro Nuptiis) | 774-778 | 801-805 | VI. For the Conferral of the Sacrament of Marriage (pro Sponsis) |
Blessing of Abbots and Abbesses | 779-783 | 806-810 | VII. For the Blessing of Abbots and Abbesses |
Consecration of Virgins and Religious Profession | 784-788 | 811-815 | VIII. For the Consecration of Virgins and Religious Profession |
x | . | 816 817-822 823-826 |
IX. For the Dedication or Blessing of a Church or Altar 1. Dedication of a Church 2. Dedication of an Altar 3. Blessing of a Chalice and Paten |
Masses for the Dead | 789-793 | [cf.1011] | [Moved to a new section at the end, after the Votive Masses] |
Burial of Baptized Children | 794-798 | [cf.1017] | " |
Burial of Non-Baptized Children | 799 | [cf.1023] | " |
MISSAE AD DIVERSA / Masses for Various Occasions (##800-895 in OLM69 & USL70)
MISSAE PRO VARIIS NECESSITATIBUS / Masses for Various Needs and Occasions (##827-967 in OLM81 & USL02)
OLM81 adds readings for several new Masses and changes the order and the titles of a few others. The four main sections of OLM69 are retained, but OLM81 also numbers the subsections sequentially (from 1 to 31) and adds cross-references to the corresponding Masses in the Missale Romanum (called the Sacramentary in English).
Again, only the English translations of the names and titles are included in the table here, to provide a better overview of the subsections.
Section & Subsection Titles in USL70: | OLM69 =USL70 |
OLM81 =USL02 |
Section & Subsection Titles in USL02 | MR# |
I: For the Church | 800-830 | 827-881 | I: For the Holy Church | . |
x | . | 827-831 | 1. For the Church | 1 |
For the Election of a Pope or Bishop | 800-804 | . | [see ##833-837 below] | . |
For Pope or Bishop, including their anniversaries | 805 | 832 | 2. For the Pope or a Bishop, especially on their anniversaries | 2+3 |
[see ##800-804 above] | . | 833-837 | 3. For the Election of a Pope or a Bishop | 4 |
[see ##826-830 below] | . | 838-842 | 4. For a Council or Synod or a Spiritual or Pastoral Meeting | 5 |
x | . | 843-847 | 5. For Priests | 6+7 |
x | . | 848-851 | 6. For Ministers of the Church | 8 |
x | . | 852-856 | 7. For Religious | 10 |
For Vocations of Priests and Religious | 806-810 | 857-861 | 8. For Vocations to Holy Orders or Religious Life | 9+11 |
x | . | 862-866 | 9. For the Laity | 12 |
For Unity of Christians | 811-815 | 867-871 | 10. For the Unity of Christians | 13 |
For the Spread of the Gospel | 816-820 | 872-876 | 11. For the Evangelization of Peoples | 14 |
For Persecuted Christians | 821-825 | 877-881 | 12. For Persecuted Christians | 15 |
Pastoral or Spiritual Meetings | 826-830 | . | [see ##838-42 above] | . |
II: For Civil Needs | 831-840 | 882-901 | II: For Public Needs | . |
x | . | 882-886 | 13. For the Country or a City, or For Those who Serve in Public Office, or For the Congress, or For the President, or For the Progress of Peoples |
17–21 |
For Peace and Justice | 831-835 | 887-891 | 14. For Peace and Justice | 22 |
x | . | 892-896 | 15. For Reconciliation | 22b |
In Time of War and Civil Disturbances | 836-840 | 897-901 | 16. In Time of War or Civil Disturbance | 23 |
III: For Various Public Needs | 841-885 | 902-947 | III: In Various Public Circumstances | . |
Beginning of the New Year | 841-845 | 902-906 | 17. For the Beginning of the Civil Year | 24 |
Blessing of Man's Labor | 846-850 | 907-911 | 18. For the Blessing of Human Labor | 25 |
For Productive Land | 851-855 | 912-916 | 19. For Productive Land | 26 |
After the Harvest | 856-860 | 917-921 | 20. After the Harvest | 27 |
For Those Suffering from Famine or Hunger | 861-865 | 922-926 | 21. In Time of Famine, or For Those who Suffer from Famine | 28 |
For Refugees and Exiles | 866-870 | 927-931 | 22. For Refugees and Exiles | 29 |
x | . | 932 | 23. For Those Held Captive | 30+31 |
For the Sick | 871-875 | 933-937 | 24. For the Sick | 32 |
For Any Need | 876-880 | 938-942 | 25. In Time of Earthquake, or For Rain, or For Good Weather, or To Avert Storms, or For Any Need |
34–38 |
In Thanksgiving | 881-885 | 943-947 | 26. In Thanksgiving to God | 39 |
IV: For Particular Needs | 886-895 | 948-967 | IV: For Various Needs | . |
For Forgiveness of Sins | 886-890 | 948-952 | 27. For the Remission of Sins | 40 |
x | . | 953-956 | 28. For the Promotion of Charity, or To Foster Harmony, or For Family and Friends |
41-42 |
x | . | 957 | 29. For the Family | 43 |
x | . | 958-962 | 30. For our Oppressors | 45 |
For a Happy Death | 891-895 | 963-967 | 31. For the Grace of a Happy Death | 46 |
MISSAE VOTIVAE / Votive Masses (##896-929 in OLM69, and ##968-1010 in OLM81)
OLM81 adds several new Votive Masses, changes the order and the titles of a few others, and again adds cross-references to the corresponding Masses in the Missale Romanum (the Sacramentary). The Latin names are identical in OLM69 and OLM81, but the English equivalents were changed in some cases, with slightly longer and more literal translations in USL98-02 than in USL70.
SECTION TITLE in OLM69 & Translation in USL70 |
OLM69 =USL70 |
OLM81 =USL02 |
SECTION TITLE in OLM81 & Translation in USL02 |
MR# |
896 | 968 | DE SANCTISSIMA TRINITATE The Most Holy Trinity |
1 |
DE MYSTERIO SANCTAE CRUCIS Triumph of the Holy Cross |
897-903 | 969-975 | DE MYSTERIO SANCTAE CRUCIS The Mystery of the Holy Cross |
2 |
904-909 | 976-981 | DE SANCTISSIMA EUCHARISTIA The Most Holy Eucharist |
3 |
x | . | 982 | DE D. N. IESU CHRISTO, SUMMO ET AETERNO SACREDOTE Jesus Christ, the Eternal High Priest |
3B |
DE SACRATISSIMO CORDE IESU Sacred Heart – [moved below in 1981] |
910-915 | 983-988 | DE SANCTISSIMO NOMINE IESU The Most Holy Name of Jesus |
4 |
916-921 | 989-994 | DE PRETIOSISSIMO SANGUINE D. N. IESU CHRISTI The Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ |
5 |
DE SANCTISSIMO NOMINE IESU Holy Name – [moved above in 1981] |
922-927 | 995-1000 | DE SACRATISSIMO CORDE IESU The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus |
6 |
928 | 1001 | DE SPIRITU SANCTO The Holy Spirit |
7 |
x | . | 1002 | DE BEATA MARIA VIRGINE The Blessed Virgin Mary DE BEATA MARIA, ECCLESIAE MATRE The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church DE SANCTISSIMO NOMINE MARIAE The Most Holy Name of Mary |
8 |
x | . | 1003 | DE SANCTIS ANGELIS The Holy Angels |
9 |
x | . | 1004 | DE S. IOSEPH Saint Joseph |
10 |
929 | 1005 | DE OMNIBUS SANCTIS APOSTOLIS All the Holy Apostles |
11 |
x | . | 1006 | DE SS. PETRO ET PAULO, APOSTOLIS Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles |
12 |
x | . | 1007 | DE SS. PETRO, APOSTOLIS Saint Peter, Apostle |
13 |
x | . | 1008 | DE SS. PAULO, APOSTOLIS Saint Paul, Apostle |
14 |
[see above #929] | [929] | 1009 | DE UNO SANCTO APOSTOLO One Holy Apostle |
15 |
x | . | 1010 | DE OMNIBUS SANCTIS All the Saints |
16 |
MISSAE DEFUNCTORUM / Masses for the Dead (## 789-799 in OLM69, and ##1011-1026 in OLM81)
OLM81 places these Masses in a separate section at the very end of the Lectionary, adds many more choices for the various readings, and again provides cross-references to the corresponding Masses in the Missale Romanum (the Sacramentary). The Latin names and English translations are slightly different for a few of these.
[Not in a separate section in OLM69, but included among the Ritual Masses, above.] |
OLM69 =USL70 |
OLM81 =USL02 |
SECTION TITLE in OLM81 & Translation in USL02 |
MR# |
PRO DEFUNCTIS Masses for the Dead |
[ 789-793 ] | 1011-1016 | MISSAE DEFUNCTORUM Masses for the Dead |
I-IV |
In exsequiis parvuli baptizati Burial of Baptized Children |
[ 794-798 ] | 1017-1022 | In exsequiis parvuli baptizati Funerals for Baptized Children |
V.A |
In exsequiis parvuli nondum baptizati Burial of Non-Baptized Children |
[ 799 ] | 1023-1026 | In exsequiis parvuli nondum baptizati Funerals for Children who Died before Baptism |
V.B |
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See also an Analysis of the Detailed Differences between the 1970 and 1998 United States editions of the Lectionary.
Main Lectionary Page | 1998/2002 USA Edition | 1992 Canadian Edition |
Links to Other Websites | 1970 USA Edition | Roman Missal (pre-Vatican II) |
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February 12, 2025
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